About stuff (including me and writing)

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Walk on

Sunday my friend Kim and I survived the 20 mile Walk for Hunger (Project Bread) through Boston.

This is us on a bridge about 3 miles from the finish. Our yellow stickers say it was my 3rd walk and Kimberly's 1st.

This couple (sorry, cellphone camera capturing image on the move offers little detail or control) were walking for their 31st and 28th times. My theory is they met on her 4th and you know the rest.

It was a beautiful day. I'm no longer sore (Thursday).


Mrs. Señora Cobbey said...

Well, if your theory is correct about the aforementioned couple then maybe you will find a nice, little ol' man you can marry.

P.S. Good job on the walking. You look very thin.

Mrs. Señora Cobbey said...

Or at least a little ol' man you can walk with on your 28th time.