About stuff (including me and writing)

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Depending on Your Definition of... Episode 1: Weddings

"No!!! I don't want to get wet!"
- my almost three-year-old nephew resisting participation in his uncle's wedding.

My dad used to appreciate, with characteristic enjoyment of linguistics, that if a wedding is to go off without a hitch, it can't go off without a hitch (you know, I guess, the couple should get "hitched"). 

"I pronounce thee Man and Wife.".............................Traditional
"I pronounce you Husband and Wife."......................Progressive
"I pronounce you Married."........................................

Wedding celebrations are marriage ceremonies. Merry marry.
To take in marriage. To give in marriage.

Who gives this woman?
She gives herself. (Freely.)

Do you take...? Do you promise?
I do.
I will.
I agree.
I accept. I accept. I accept.
I have.

Matrimony, Wedlock.
(Patrimony, Heritage.)

To unite in wedlock. To contract in marriage.
Tie the knot. Knot the tie. Do you have the ring?
Lock the wedded. adjective 3. attached or dedicated, especially obstinately.

Let no man put asunder. Ever after. Happiest day of my life.

"For Richard. For poorer."

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